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10 Tips For Getting the Man In Your Life to Exercise

The holidays are over and it’s time to slim that waist back down. But it can be difficult to get motivated, especially when your significant other resists you every step of the way! So how can your help him get up and get moving?

Start Off Right

Blog-ten-tips-for-getting-the-man-in-your-life-to-exercise-encourageRemember to start the conversation with encouragement, not criticism. If you begin the discussion by making your partner feel bad about his choices, you won’t get anywhere. As in many conversations with the people you love, start by talking about the changes you want to make in your own life.

Find a Goal

Help your man find a goal that’s meaningful to him. While you may be hoping to look great in your bikini come summer, looking good at the beach may not be a great motivator for him.

Eat Well

Remember that your eating habits are just as important as your gym habits. Support his efforts to eat five small meals packed with protein and low on carbohydrates. You’re in this together, which means packing lunches together, making dinners together, and staying strong when the other wavers.

Schedule It

Put your workouts on a joint calendar. If losing weight or remaining healthy are truly a priority, they’ll be scheduled on the calendar right next to business meetings and doctor appointments.

HIIT Workouts

Remind him that it’s only 30 minutes at a time! You don’t have to spend hours exercising each day for real results. HIIT workouts, or High-Intensity Interval Training, provide alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. Scheduling 3-5 sessions of just 30 minutes per week is an excellent strategy.

Keep It Interesting

If he hates the activity, he won’t stick with it. Find a gym, a trainer, or a type of workout that’s fun for both of you. If you love being outside, schedule hikes, bike rides, and downtown walks on your off-days. For your HIIT workouts, find a gym or trainer that will keep you both accountable and make it enjoyable.


If you or your man are competitive, set some meaningful rewards and gamify the whole process! Whether you’re competing against each other or yourself, this can be an excellent motivator.

Compliment His Results

Continue to be encouraging and complimentary as you get started. If he feels that his work is paying off, it will keep his head in the game.

Remove Obstacles

Being a healthy couple is about having a healthy lifestyle. If you’re having the same hurdles all the time, work together to remove those obstacles completely.

Have Fun

Most importantly, have fun. Don’t beat yourselves up for making a mistake or skipping a workout on occasion. Just make sure you’re both keeping a positive attitude toward health and moving toward your goals as a team.

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