Medical Imaging of Fredericksburg

When it Comes to Women’s Imaging, Convenience and Technology Matter

women picking out plants at a nursery

Women can benefit from a number of different women’s imaging services, and the more convenient the better. After all, we live busy lives, and if we can take advantage of convenient services that keep us healthy, well that would make everything easier, wouldn’t it?

When it comes to your imaging needs, don’t put them off.

When you’re healthy, it’s easy to put off your doctor’s appointments and annual check-ups. But if you want to own your health and stay healthy, you need to think about your annual check-ups. The sooner your doctor can detect a disease or condition, the better he or she can treat it. Remember, many diseases (especially many forms of cancer) grow exponentially. That means the longer it goes untreated, the faster it will spread.

You’ve probably heard it before, but when it comes to cancer, early detection is key. It directly affects the patient’s survival rate and their treatment options. And with one or two scans a year, isn’t it worth the effort and time to potentially save your life?

Advances in technology are making a real difference in women’s imaging.

Women’s imaging has seen huge technological advances that have aided doctors’ ability to fight cancer and other diseases. Look at the 3D Mammogram. It can detect up to 35% of cancers sooner than a 2D mammogram. Not only does this allow doctors to detect cancer at its earliest stages, it results in fewer false positives. That means less uncertainty about your health. It means that you have more peace of mind.

Another big advance in medical imaging has been the DEXA (or bone density) Scan. It is the only scan that allows doctors to detect and treat osteoporosis before a fracture occurs. Take a look at these facts from the National Osteoporosis Foundation:

That is why DEXA and continued advances in medical imaging are vital. They are improving and even saving the lives of patients every day.

The high importance of medical imaging to women’s health is one of the things that makes our new Imaging Center for Women of North Stafford so important. Women who live nearby will be able to easily access effective, cutting edge medical imaging services, taking control of their own health.

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