The most accurate non-invasive imaging test for CAD
Medical Imaging of Fredericksburg is advancing the diagnosis of CAD with the HeartFlow Analysis.
What is a CCTA Scan?
The Coronary CT Angiography (CCTA) can provide important information about the presence and extent of plaque in the coronary arteries. Apart from identifying coronary artery narrowing as the cause of chest discomfort, it can also detect other possible causes of symptoms, such as a collapsed lung, blood clot in the vessels leading to the lungs, or aortic abnormalities.
The HeartFlow Analysis provides answers that reduce the need for follow-up testing and evaluation. To date, more than 100,000 patients worldwide have received a HeartFlow Analysis.

What Can I Expect?
The patient's journey begins with a consult with one of our RNs. After the consult with the RN, a prescription is called into the pharmacy and an appointment made. The test is completed within a few days. After the CCTA scan is complete, one of our Radiologists might recommend HeartFlow, where AI algorithms, and trained analysts create the HeartFlow Analysis. This personalized, color-coded 3-D model of a patient's coronary arteries provides functional information about each blockage.
This pathway provides the highest diagnostic performance available from a non-invasive test to help identify functional disease. This pathway leads to targeted treatment plans and a more streamlined patient experience.
Physicians can use the exam for any clinically stable symptomatic patients.
How Can I Prepare?
Your doctor may ask you not to eat or drink several hours ahead of your exam
You may be asked to remove any metal or jewelry before the exam to avoid interference with the CT scan machine
You will be injected with a contrast medium to get a more accurate reading. For more information on potential allergies, visit our Patient Resources page.