Mammograms Save Lives, Schedule Yours Today


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and every year this month serves as a way to increase awareness about breast cancer, raise money for research, and educate women on early detection. In  October, women everywhere, and the families of those suffering from breast cancer will wear pink, walk, fundraise, and participate in a variety of events designed to support those fighting the illness. This year, why not take it a step further? Take these steps to put a personal spin on Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Create an Early Detection Plan

Being aware of the signs and symptoms, and learning to listen to your body and know when something is not right is key to early detection. Be aware of the symptoms, like the formation of a new lump, or other changes in the breast tissue or skin. Learn how to perform a self exam, and plan to do it monthly. Mark it on your calendar! If you don’t already know your family history of breast cancer, ask relatives and find out. If you learn anything new, inform your doctor and have your medical records updated.

Get a 3D Mammogram

3D Mammography is a revolutionary innovation in the early detection of breast cancer. Also known as digital breast tomosynthesis, this technology takes multiple images of the breast in only a few seconds, and allows the radiologist an interactive view. Some studies have shown a 35 percent improvement in the detection of breast cancer over traditional mammography.

Encourage Others

Now that you’ve taken steps to learn more about your risk of breast cancer and early detection, it’s time to get your loved ones involved. Encourage the women around you to create their own early detection plans and ask their doctors about 3D Mammography. 

You’ll be amazed at the impact that your encouragement can have on women that you know.  Getting other women involved with you in October breast cancer events, scheduling a group screening event, and simple talking about the importance of an annual mammogram helps to ensure that your friends and family stay healthy.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an important time to raise awareness, support and funds, but it is also a good time to renew your approach to breast health, and take practical steps towards prevention and detection.

Ready to schedule your annual 3D mammogram? Contact us today!

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